Friday 18 December 2009

Computer Forensics: Your Mission should you choose to accept it...

Often when we think about breaking cold cases, and finding previously hidden data, we think about the world of Spooks, Mission Impossible and MI5.

As more and more of what we do is happening online and within our PC’s (when was the last time you wrote significant amounts of data by hand?) companies are turning to computer forensics to help break cases, find data & recreate events. Computer Forensics is about digging out the traces which are left on the web of the conversations and documents that took place.

So when may you find computer forensics important?
  • If you’ve got allegations relating to inappropriate emails being circulated around the business
  • If you’ve lost key operational data and need to try to recover it
  • As part of a legal case, or an investigation which may form part of litigation.
It’s vital to find a computer forensic expert as your expert will have the knowledge and expertise of how to carry this out confidentially, discreetly, and accurately. You want data that can’t be disputed, both in terms of how it is collected and how it was stored as the case was fully investigated.

Using computer forensics can help with information both about what data is there, and the trail of how that data has been used and altered. Partly, that’s why it is so important to make sure if you have an issue you think you need help with relating to computer forensics, that it is dealt with by a professional so you don’t run into issues like chain of evidence and reliability of your data. This will definitely be important if you move to a litigation or external audit stage, that you can show you’ve been working with qualified, experienced professionals. It’s all about building confidence both in the data you find, what you do with it and the end outcome.


Computer Forensics in Fraud Investigations

More about what computer forensics is

Computer Forensic News

Business crime solicitors

Business fraud investigations

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